John Uilenberg - February 22, 2023

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On February 22, 2023 I was on the hunt for pike with John Uilenberg. He was testing the Airflo Greentooth 9ft #9/10 and Airflo V3 #9/10 fly reel fly fishing his 'trolling' style. I cast, count and strip but that means a lot less coverage in the strike zone. But being a purist fly fisherman I stick to the game although I know John's way of fishing is much more effective on most days. John made a youtube film about the day. Although we didn't get any big pike, the scenery was stunning and the gear very much appreciated by John. His hunt for a big pike on the greentooth rod and V3 reel continues to achieve the ultimate test result. To be continued...

Peter Elberse

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