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Pike event - winter 2024

Item 8 of 13
€ 35,00 (including VAT)
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Fly fishing for pike-event on Februari 3, 2024.

Peter Elberse from Fly fishing for pike will host a pike-event on his local waters. After a short introduction Peter will talk about how to succesfully fly fish for pike and what gear to use. He will also show you how to tie an effective 'home water' pike streamer. If you partricpate on this day you are welcome to join tying your own pike streamer step-by-step (tying materials provided, bring your own vise and tools).

After lunch we'll head to the water in search of pike. The area has a lot of pike water so there is plenty of space to cover.

In the end of the afternoon we'll head back to 'de Loonse schuur' to share the images and stories about pike caught (or lost!) on the fly that day. 🤞🏻🍀

Looking forward to seeing you on Februari 3, 2024!

Tight lines,

Peter Elberse

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