About Fly fishing for pike
Fffp is a division of fly fishing wholesale Company Elberse International. Stock available to order is allocated and ready to go. We do not sell without stock allocation so we supply 100% of what you order (although there never is a 100% guarantee due to a possible human mistake. However, in our first year and up to date, we reached a 100% delivery rate). If you need more qty than in stock on website please let us know so we can check our wholesale stock and transfer it to the 'fly fishing for pike' webshop for you.
About the owner:
Peter Elberse is the owner of Elberse International and Fly fishing for pike. He has travelled all over the world with his fly rod. In his home country he has been chasing pike with a fly rod for nearly 40 years.
2005, 118cm pike. Peter's biggest pike to date. Photo by Rob Kraaijeveld.
Pike fly shop
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- Sets for pike
- Streamers
- Stripping baskets
- Bags
- Beads
- Bodyflex
- Brushes
- Bucktails
- Chenilles
- Dubbings
- Dumbell eyes
- Feathers
- Fish eyes
- Foams
- Furs
- Heads
Hooks & shanks
- Ahrex PR378
- Fish Skull shanks
- Gamakatsu F314
- Gamakatsu SC15
- Gamakatsu SL12S
- Hanak H95XH
- Hanak HP999
- Partridge ACS
- Partridge ACS/E
- Partridge CS43
- Partridge CS45
- Partridge CS51/SEP
- Partridge CS86
- Partridge CS86X
- Partridge CS86XS
- Partridge CS88/J45
- Partridge CS88/LBX
- Partridge CS86X/J60
- Partridge Pike rigs
- Partridge V2SS/SE
- Partridge Z4
- Partridge Z60LT/P
- Tiemco Pike Hook 9/0
- Tiemco TMC600SP
- Umpqua U504
- Markers
- Rattles
- Streamer kits
- Synthetic & flash
- Tails
- Threads
- Tools
- Tubefly
- Varnish/UV/Wax
- Vises
- Wires
- Zonkers
- Waders
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