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  • Buford pike - CS43BN #6/0
    Buford pike - CS43BN #6/0

    This streamer has caught us a lot of pike in the Netherlands but it was also our number one catching streamer during our last visit to the Wild Lake Lodge in Swedisch Lapland.

    € 11,90
  • Buford tiger - CS43BN #6/0
    Buford tiger - CS43BN #6/0

    Fire tiger is a universal colour for pike streamers. The have a lot of contrast and pike love them!

    € 11,90
  • Buford polder - CS43BN #6/0
    Buford polder - CS43BN #6/0

    This streamer has caught us a lot of pike in the Netherlands but it was also our number one catching streamer during our last visit to the Wild Lake Lodge in Swedisch Lapland.

    € 11,90


The Buford design streamers have reversed bucktail (cut) in the head of the streamer. Streamers in this category have that but sometimes we cover the bucktail head by a few soft brush windings.

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