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  • Catfish set

    Catfish Set LD
    Catfish Set LD

    Here is a great set to chase catfish on the fly from boat/belly boat. All the lifting power you need and a 'full cage' fly reel with a strong drag.


    ∙ TFO BW SG - LD #10-12
    ∙ Airflo V3 FC (full cage) reel #10/11

    € 913,55 € 849,00
  • Catfish set

    Catfish Set MD
    Catfish Set MD

    Here is a great set to chase catfish on the fly from boat/belly boat. All the lifting power you need and a 'full cage' fly reel with a strong drag.


    ∙ TFO BW SG - MD #12-14
    ∙ Airflo V3 FC (full cage) reel #10/11

    € 913,55 € 849,00

Sets for catfish

Catfish on the fly is new to the Dutch market and probably in most countries. We have first hand experience with catching catfish on the fly from belly boat in the Netherlands. With that knowledge we created a set for catfish. This set is based on fly fishing for catfish with a livescope. We call it single/double haul fly fishing. You look for the catfish, approach it and when it comes in range you make a single/double haul cast. Then it is crusual to let the catfish find your streamer (that's why a livescope is crusial). So we fish in the higher water levels using an intermediate line. We also found out that a 10 weight pike fly rod is no game for big catfish. So we fish with TFO BW SG fly rods. These are made for single/double haul casting to big fish (tuna and billfish). The these rods have a strong butt section and big lifting power. 

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